he didnt

Oxford-based multi-instrumentalist, he didnt, began rehearsing solo in August 2021 after writing a collection of songs stylistically at odds with the band he was in at the time. Taking on the mantle of songwriter and instrumentalist - playing everything from guitar and bass to noise and drum machine - he didnt began to cultivate a sparse, ominous sound rich in experimentation. 

This diverse sound is highlighted by the latest single release SLSVRS. Taken from the EP Detour, earth, SLSVRS illustrates an unerring ability to produce immersive, brooding music that sits somewhere between the ambience of Earth and the menacing drone of Sunn O)))

From the visceral soundscapes of EP opener, the nine-minute title track 'Detour, earth', to the scuzzy discordant noise-rock of ‘Make Right’, he didnt takes the listener on a journey of minimalist distortion; progressive, intense and, at times, eerily delivered. 

Since beginning the project in 2021, he didnt has been shortlisted to play Oxford's Truck Festival as well as supporting the likes of Sniffany and the Nits and Es. The Detour, earth EP is a precursor to a follow up EP in November which he didnt will support by playing with Norwegian Stoner Band Kal-El for Buried In Smoke promotions on 28th October in Oxford. 

SLSVRS is out on September 16th with a video of ‘Make Right’ to follow. They’re taken from the Detour, earth EP, out now.